
Classical pendulum

Simulating the theory, while logging the data.

In the old days, we used to do simulations and experiements at different times. The simulations required huge codes on huge super-computers, while the experiments required endelss of cables and setting up. 

Now, with the new PASCO + Python integration, we can do both at the same time!

Just take a look at this:

We have made a pendulum out of the PASCO Acceleration/altimeter sensor, just by adding some weights underneath and a string on top. We set the pendulum up and release it from approx. 25-30 degress angle. 

As it swings back and forth, we measure the X-component of the acceleration. Thus at the buttom of the pendulum, we measure gravity and a small addition by the sentripical force. At the ends, we measure a fraction of g, given by the sin(theta), where theta is the angle-position of the pendulum. 

In the plot below, and in the video you can see above, we plot the acceleration measured along the direction of the string. Experiment and theory plotted along side of each other. 

And they are convinsingly similar 🙂

If you are interested in learning more about this, contact me on: or +4793024034

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